Thursday, October 20, 2011

Something worth sharing

I have to share this:
Something fun I found was this site called Bluum.
Basically it's like the Birch Box, if you know what that is. For those of you that don't know what I'm referring to, check it out.
But back to Bluum; it's a monthly service that sends you a cute lil box filled with 4-5 deluxe samples of awesome baby/children's products for you to try out. If you like them you can purchase the full size version of the product. Genius right? Now you don't have to go trying tons of different products, buying the whole bottle, just to find out you or your baby doesn't like it. Memberships are as low as $9 a month, so I feel it is definitely worth it and quite fun to receive a surprise every month because you never know what they are going to send!
If your child is out of the baby/young child age range you can always gift this as a baby shower gift to someone who is expecting. It'll be the gift that keeps giving month after month.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Whoooo I am. What I'm doing.

This is to be my place to share my baby baking experience. I want to share with others the articles, products and other tid bits I find while scouring the web.
To start off I'm 8 weeks pregnant and I'm due mid May. Very scary for me because it'll be around the time of finals for my husband and I, and I also have my best friend who is graduating from college on May 19. So needless to say I will be busy. ::Sigh::

Currently I am in love with this Owl Hanging Mobile by lovelyfriend on etsy. 
There are tons more of different animals, but I'm loving these little hooters. Too cute.