Monday, August 20, 2012

So it's been a while...alright, a long while.

October 20, 2011 was the last time I wrote anything. It's been a while. My pregnancy didn't go as I expected. I was so sick the first 12 weeks, I pretty much just sat on the couch. Then the last two trimesters I was determined to get up and go! I had a lot I wanted to do before the baby was born. We went on a vacation, I worked out (a ton!), I researched baby products, how to parent, etc.
Needless-to-say, I'm back. I hope to sneak a post in from time-to-time (read that as in between naps). I plan on sharing some of my pregnancy experiences (PRE-partum depression, exercise and health tips), Jax's Birth Story, and motherhood.
So with that said, meet my little one! Jaxon Trouble. He came into the world on May 12, 2012 (his due date) and was a lovely 9lbs 2oz and 21.5 inches long!

We are SO in love.